Friday, October 08, 2004

The 'GOWN' Day !! Congrate to all my friends..!!

Today is the gown day for all international student who is graduating this semester. This event is held just so that international student who opted to graduate at their own home country get a change to take some photos with their lecturers and friends in the graduation gown !!! so interesting to see everyone getting so excited over it... hahaha... makes me want to wear the gown as well... Congrat to all my friends who are graduating this semester. Hope to see u guys in future and friendship forever !!!

The two graduating friends of mine are Alicia (with red flower) and Melissa (with orange flower)... hehehe.. both of that flowers were by me... i know that i wont be there for their real graduation day, so i felt today is the day to buy them those flowers. so glad that they like it...

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