Early in the morning, we set off at about 9am. All went there in a few cars... Luckily i do not need to drive as those who drive that day were all bless with fantastic super expensive cars such as WISH, CAMRY, RAV4, MURANO & etc.... goodness, imagine me driving MyVi there. Luckily, this round, i do not need to drive at all. I sat nicely In RAV4 and enjoy my journey to PD. Wo hoo.... Above pictures were taken when we reached the banglo. We quickly decorate the front hall with balloons and a wishing board "SELAMAT JALAN SINGAPORE KIA".... Well... yeah, Ivan's farewell and he happens to be one singaporean. He is finally going back for good and preparing for marriage with Eurris. I am so happy for him!!!!
Above show pictures of us waiting for Ivan to open the front door. Each of us had in our hand all the cut-sized pieces of paper which we intend to throw on them when they arrived.(all the photos are photos of our group pictures. Yeah... all URC-ian, X-URC-ian !!!!!) URC, I MISS U SO DAMN MUCH !!!!